ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

Accelerating your analysis workflows

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ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

Part of the Esri Geospatial Cloud, ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server extends the capabilities of ArcGIS Enterprise, providing a diverse collection of analysis tools that enable you to quickly analyze your data across space and time. Data that was previously too big or too complex to analyze can now be deeply examined, understood and used to take action. Leverage the power of multiple servers to get your work done.

Do more with your data

Connect your data

Harness all your data, regardless of where it is stored. ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server works with many data sources, from Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) to cloud stores and your existing GIS data. GeoAnalytics Server tools can also be used to merge, join, and manage different datasets.

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A graphic of a dark cluster dot map enclosed a large circle, connected to multiple small clusters of different-sized circles

Accelerate your workflows

Take your familiar data management and analysis workflows to scale. Run analysis in one pass instead of multiple batches. ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server is designed to crunch through big datasets quickly to reduce the time you spend on processing, so you have more time to visualize, share, and act on your results.

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A graphic of a white map of a section of the United States enclosed in a circle, connected to multiple small clusters of different-sized blue circles

Perform spatial analysis

Use analysis tools to identify data patterns that were previously lost in noise. Find clusters of events and hot spots of activity. Use regression tools to find relationships between datasets and predict future events. Or keep it simple and learn about your data using simple aggregations.

Explore the tools
A graphics of a dark heat map with blue and orange markings

Make data-driven decisions

Take control of your data and turn noise into intelligence. When you leave your data unexplored, you miss out on important insights. With GeoAnalytics Server, you can bring new, faster analysis workflows to your organization to start seeing your data in a new way. Use your findings to make smarter, data-driven decisions.

Play the demo
A graphics of a dark dot map with yellow and orange markings, connected to multiple small clusters of different-sized circles

What you get


Industry Use Case

Electric and Gas

Prioritize maintenance activities and mitigate problems. Model and analyze your sensor data to determine consumption patterns and swings.

Learn more about this solution

Big data starts with ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

Explore and analyze big and complex data with ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, powered by ArcGIS Enterprise. GeoAnalytics Server lets you detect patterns, improve workflows, and boost your bottom line.

ArcGIS Enterprise

ArcGIS Enterprise

ArcGIS Enterprise, a foundational system for GIS, runs behind the firewall on-premises or in the cloud and powers comprehensive functionality via apps and add-on capabilities.

Learn about ArcGIS Enterprise
ArcGIS GeoEvent Server

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server

Get situational awareness of streaming data with ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, powered by ArcGIS Enterprise. Monitor assets and analyze and display data to make better decisions.

Discover ArcGIS GeoEvent Server

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