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What they are

Credits are the currency used in ArcGIS Online for premium services.

Premium services, including feature storage, analysis tools, and premium data, consume credits. Rather than including a specific number of transactions for each premium service available in ArcGIS Online, every subscription includes credits that can be used for any premium services you choose. 

For example, if you want to geocode and geoenrich customer addresses, multi-vehicle routing is irrelevant for your work. If you had a specific number of transactions for every premium service, your multi-vehicle routing transactions would go unused. With credits, all your currency goes toward the premium services you need.

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Consuming credits is similar to using a ride-share service. Instead of buying a car and paying for maintenance, you simply pay for rides when you need them. Similarly, when you need to use premium services such as feature storage, analysis tools, or premium data, you use credits.


ArcGIS Online maintains servers, processes data, and curates content. Users simply leverage the supported services whenever they need them. If you want to “buy the car,” Esri provides many self-managed infrastructure options including ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS World Geocoder, ArcGIS Data Appliance, and ArcGIS StreetMap Premium. 

When are credits used?

Most of ArcGIS Online does not require credits.

There is no charge for viewing maps, even when they are in high demand. The primary transactions that require credits include:

  • Feature storage
  • Analysis tools including geocoding, routing, and geoenrichment
  • Premium data including demographics and lifestyle 
Complete list of transactions

Managing usage

Many tools are available to monitor and manage credit usage.

Before running an analysis tool, you can use the credit estimator to calculate the expected number of credits used for the transaction. With credit budgeting, administrators can allocate a specific quantity of credits to each member. Administrators can also monitor their members' credit usage through dashboards, charts, and detailed reports. 

Ways to manage credits

How many are included?

Each ArcGIS Online subscription includes a supply of shared credits.

The user types in your subscription determine the quantity of credits you start with and have replenished at each renewal.

  • Creator and GIS Professional each include 500 credits.
  • Field Worker and Editor each include 250 credits. 

For example, a subscription with a Creator user type and an Editor user type would have 750 shared credits.


Additional credits can be purchased at any time and are good for 24 months. 

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