Submission and approval
Manage business processes that involve submitting and reviewing requests such as permitting, inspection, data solicitation, and address change and incident management for national, state, and local governments and more.
ArcGIS Workflow Manager provides step-by-step guidance and tightly integrates with Esri technology to create seamless end-to-end experiences that result in efficient, predictable, and repeatable workflows.
Bring your organization's GIS content together in one place so team members can easily find and carry out their assigned work.
Create standard business processes, automate tasks and reporting, produce shared queries and charts, and manage access to your tools and data.
Review, summarize, and update your organization's in-progress work to make data-driven management decisions and prevent work delays.
Support many types of workflows across multiple industries including GIS data editing, incident reporting, site inspections, land-use planning, cadastral mapping, permitting, and fully automated workflows like data submission or request. Here are some examples.
Maximize the value of your GIS investment by using a workflow management system that tightly integrates with other Esri technology.
Coordinate and manage your workflows in ArcGIS Pro and efficiently complete your work.
Create and monitor workflows and administer the system using Workflow Manager Server and the web app for ArcGIS Enterprise.
Create, view, and edit surveys in your workflows and create jobs in Workflow Manager using Survey123 webhooks.
Create dashboards to monitor your work in real time, inform others, and see trends.
Access documentation, videos, and blogs to learn more about ArcGIS Workflow Manager.
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