Data Hosting

Create services by hosting your data within ArcGIS Platform

Host your data in ArcGIS

Once your data is hosted as a service, it can be easily added to a map. Styling options help you highlight important details and discover spatial patterns in your data to make data-driven decisions.

Host data in the format of your choice

Host data in your preferred format such as CSV, GEOJSON, or Shapefile to create services from your data to visualize, edit, and analyze your authoritative content.

Retain data ownership

You retain complete ownership of your content and data, ensuring your content remains yours. Additionally, Esri does not collect telemetry data from your users.

Easily consume your hosted data

Easily access your hosted data within your applications in formats such as vector tiles, raster tiles, GeoJSON, or as feature services, which are supported seamlessly with the API of your choice.

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